Kim McKinery

Reflections from New PPMA President – Karen Grave

By |2018-04-26T10:27:35+01:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: Grace Davies, Karen Grave, Kim McKinery, Leatham Green, MOU, PPMA Annual Seminar 2018, PPMA Excellence in People Management Awards 2018, PPMA President, Steve Davies, Tomorrow's Talent|

Dear PPMA friends and colleagues, We're absolutely delighted to have Karen Grave as our new President and in this blog post she shares her reflections with us on #ppmahr18 and sets out the organisations priorities ...

4 Working Days to go to PPMA Conference 2018 – What are the PPMA Team Most Looking Forward To?

By |2018-04-13T08:49:25+01:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: 2018 Conference Build Up, Emma Browes, Grace Davies, Kim McKinery, Leatham Green, PPMA Annual Seminar 2018, PPMA Business Admin and Support Officer, PPMA Events, Steve Davies|

Dear PPMA colleagues and friends.  It’s only 4 working days to go #PPMAHR18 and today we’re going to hear today from our conference team on what they are really looking forward to: First is Steve ...

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