Premium & Prime Sponsors

Thank you everyone who attended PPMA Annual Conference 2023 in Birmingham and PPMA Excellence in People Management Awards 2023. It was another PPMA conference with an eclectic mix of speakers, breakout sessions, networking and a fantastic celebration of talent together with a focus on achievements over the last 12 months.
From my perspective, we wanted to create an agenda that appealed to the widest possible audience. A number of speakers talked about the future of work, artificial intelligence and its impact not just on HR but also on work generally, the latest HR trends and also organisational resilience. As a profession, we need to be aware of the trends, of fast moving change and innovation – if we’re not careful, it will just happen around us!
We also heard from existing Chief Executives who shared with us their journeys, experiences, what has shaped their careers, and what kind of leaders they are – really inspiring stuff with lots for us all to consider.
We had a couple of sessions on hybrid working, and whilst we know it’s here to stay and we’re all implementing it, we’re still on a journey, and creating the right culture, thinking about the type of leadership needed are all still priorities.
The end of day 2 saw us showcasing our talent programme winners – a fantastic emotional session with personal stories and journeys, leading to the conclusion that the future of HR and of local government will be in safe hands.
The breakout sessions provided an opportunity for engagement on a range of topics including from menopause support in the workplace, wellbeing and resilience through nutrition, support for care leavers and also an update on the Integrated Care System.
The gala dinner was an opportunity to celebrate the best of our profession from over the last 12 months, and congratulations to all our award winners, but also to all those who were shortlisted. We were expertly compered by Ian Thomas, Town Clerk and Chief Executive of the City of London Corporation, and we also had fantastic entertainment during the evening, although the less said about one or two of the ‘guest’ bhangra dancers, the better! You can see the fill list of award winners and highly commended entrants on our website.
Grateful thanks to the board, to our sponsors, exhibitors and to all of you who were able to attend the conference and make it what it was. All of the photos, videos, speaker slides etc will be available below.
Gordon McFarlane
PPMA President 2022/2024


We would love to hear about your experience from the event, please take a few minutes to fill in our feedback survey.

Award Winners 2023
All details of our award winners and highly commended entries can be found below.

Event Photo’s

All the photos from the 3 days and Awards evening are now available.

Session Slides
Please find the slides from all the sessions available to view below
Wednesday 26th April

Thursday 27th April

Friday 28th April
If you have any questions about #PPMAHR23 in general you can email us on [email protected]
If you have a question regarding bookings please contact [email protected]

Our theme this year was ‘A Night at the Movies’ and our chosen charities Dementia UK and LOROS.
Our sponsors and supporters were extremely generous with their raffle prize donations to help us raise £2,405 for these very worth while causes.

Conference & Award Sponsors