Thank you to all who attended this years Virtual Conference
The PPMA Virtual Conference is a FREE 1 day event for our members and gives you an opportunity to hear from some fantastic speakers in addition to those that we had at this years face to face main conference event. It also gives those who may have been unable to attend our physical conference the chance to experience some thought provoking and insightful sessions.
This year we were joined by some fantastic speakers with attendees describing the sessions as thought provoking, reflective, insightful, inspirational, amazing and fantastic.
Below you can view the recordings of each the sessions along with the slides:

Find out more about the proactive award winning ‘grow our own’ approach of Central Bedfordshire Council’s multi-disciplinary Place Academy as an innovative solution to recruitment and staff retention issues. During the session, we will share lessons learnt from our journey and key principles that are transferable for those who may be thinking of adopting a similar approach.

This session examines what professional identity is and its role in helping us feel a sense of belonging and psychological safety. It will explore how multi-professional working and integration can impact professional identity, including some of the reactions we might be feeling in these scenarios. It will use identity theory, the latest research and real-life examples to enable attendees to better understand how they can help themselves and others feel supported and flourish in the multi-professional teams.

Using my ELEVATE model, tap into innate human-based leadership strategies to connect meaningfully with your people whilst improving organisational effectiveness.

Cultural Intelligence is the ability to relate and work effectively in multicultural situations. Like Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence is a skill that can be developed by everyone. It is required to be an effective leader in the diverse, global and digital world we find ourselves operating in.

We are pleased to be able to share the findings from our survey of our membership. Our aim was to find out more about the priorities and key challenges for our members in the year ahead so we can better understand how to focus the PPMA offer. It’s also helpful to understand the positioning of HR teams and the value placed on them. Looking at the results, it’s no surprise that we’re tackling such a wide range of strategic and operational issues.