Hello PPMA members and friends
Our post this week is from Past President Sue Evans, who talks about her time as PPMA President and the important role PPMA plays.
“It is great to have the opportunity to reflect on things as a Past President. The view from here is rosy I have to say and I am feeling confident and optimistic about the future of HR and OD and, most importantly, of the PPMA. I have been an active member for some years now and in that time I have met many people who are doing great things in difficult and uncertain times – and not just doing great things, but doing them well and driving change across the sector which will sustain public services into the future.
In organisations, agents for change don’t have it easy and the path to a positive outcome can be bumpy and a bit lonely at times. That is why PPMA is so vital, providing the professional back-up, encouragement and the benefit of others’ experience. I cannot count the times I have asked a question via the Shires Network and received immediate and practical help from colleagues grappling with the same issue. There is a generosity of spirit across PPMA which is unique and hugely necessary in today’s world.
Networking, building a community of practice and sources of trusted advice are key to successful leadership in HR and OD. Keeping abreast of current thinking and new ideas and challenging the status quo are the lifeblood of effective practice and the events, research and input from sponsors and our own practitioners help us to do all of this and take back useful ideas to benefit our own organisations. Learning from each other, from experts and from research helps us to be the best practitioners wherever we practice.
The programme of events for the coming year is impressive. Karen and the team are making tremendous headway with partnerships and the profile of the organisation. There is some exciting work in progress and I hope that you will join me in thanking them for the hard work they are doing and in continuing to support PPMA from wherever we are. Let’s value all that it brings to our professional lives and especially the friendship and support we gain from being part of it.
I am stepping back, but not out, and I hope that I can play a supporting role along the way to a bright future for HR and OD and for PPMA.”
Sue Evans
PPMA Past President and Director, Sevans Refreshing People Ltd
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