Eastern Region PPMA Meeting

Eastern Region PPMA Meeting

The next Eastern regional PPMA event is being held on Thursday 20th September 2018 (following the Heads of HR meeting). This event will be held at West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3YU.

Light refreshments will be being served from 12.45pm

13.15 – Welcome & Introduction – Sam Anthony (Regional Chair)

13.20 – PPMA update – Karen Graves (PPMA President)

13:40 – HR for the Future- Julie Osbourne (Osbourne Thomas)

14:20 – Employee wellbeing with benefits – Andrew Collings (Neyber)

14:50 – The benefits of ‘Positive Mindset’ in the workforce – Sarah Gould (Mary Gober International)

15:20 – Future meetings and topics

This meeting will also be open to any senior HR colleagues that are not currently PPMA members, but interested in the work of the PPMA and what we do.


As part of the PPMA offer for this meeting,  Osbourne Thomas are offering their profiling tool out free to all attendees (something they have done with LGA and CIPD nationally), please see the information below:

East of England – PPMA

Over the past 18 months Osborne Thomas have been profiling HR teams.  In total there has been over 340 people who have gone through this exercise. 

Our research team has gathered information from HR teams and CIPD to look at HR for the Future.   We then took the results and mapped them to show any differentials between the expectations of HR teams.

We are opening this research up to the East of England PPMA.

What are the objectives:

  • To identify the personal qualities required of successful HR teams
  • To use psychometric tools to understand the individual’s own strengths and development areas
  • To use psychometric tools to look at individual motivation and fit for HR of the future
  • For individuals to identify their own development needs
  • To look at what future recruitment needs will look like

In order to do this we are utilising 2 tools, and we need each individual to complete Dimensions and Drives psychometric tools. We then map the findings as a group and present this overview to you.  Additionally we also produce reports for each individual to refer to at the end of the session.

We will also show the results of the 340 people who have already completed the profiling and discuss any areas of differential/interest against East of England PPMA group.

On or before 31st August you will receive an email from Osborne Thomas with links to the profiling tests.  Each test should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.  We need to receive these back by 6th  September in order to do the analysis for the event on the 20th September.

We do hope you will take this opportunity to look at HR for the Future and the needs of organisations and individuals.


If you have any queries please contact Same Anthony [email protected] or [email protected]


Sep 20 2018


1:15 pm - 3:30 pm


West Suffolk House
Western Way


Sam Anthony
[email protected]

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