Brexit Hackathon
PPMA, Matrix-SCM and Local Government Staff Commission are delighted to be hosting a Brexit Hackathon on Tuesday October 2nd in Northern Ireland.
The event is free and is being held as part of the PPMA’s research programme with Brexit being one of our key topics.
We didn’t want to repeat previous research and commentary on Brexit. Rather we wanted to undertake some action learning work which will help us deliver some tangible recommendations and enable us to follow up in six months’ time to check our progress..
A hackathon is a quick fire, high pressure, high intensity ideas session. We will tackle some of the workforce related Brexit challenges in a different way – with the emphasis being on collaboration, speed and practical outcomes. Our delegates will review our research question and, through enquiry and dialogue, develop and distil a series of ideas, recommendations, opportunities and outcomes.
We’re looking forward to welcoming delegates from organisations impacted by Brexit. Following the hackathon, PPMA and Matrix-SCM will be preparing a research output. This will include case studies and video blogs that will support the research. This will be launched at the Local Government Staff Commission Conference in November 2018.
The hackathon will comprise the following activities:
Framing the opportunity – Introduction
Identifying the propelling question – Generate: Start articulating your ideas
Developing the opportunity – Collaborate: Challenge and build on your ideas
Selecting the best idea – Refine and Pitch: Choose the best idea, refine it, sell it
Endorse and Commit – Action: Agree how outcomes will be taken forward
Join us at Craigavon Civic Centre, Craigavon at 9:30am for registration. The event will finish by 4pm.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Tickets are free, click on the green ‘register’ button via the Eventbrite page here.
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