Councils/Public Sector LIWW Perimenopause & Menopause in the Workplace

Councils/Public Sector LIWW Perimenopause & Menopause in the Workplace

To give you an overview of the webinar:

Introductions/Welcome/Context – Dr Sabrina Robinson/Liz Mulhall-Brewer

Case Study – What Essex County Council are doing to support their workforce with Menopause Education, Guidance and Advice

Delivered by Claudia, McClellan, Wellbeing Consultant, Essex County Council

Claudia’s current role is as a Wellbeing Consultant at Essex County Council, leading on a range of projects including menopause support in the workplace, working alongside ECC’s strong Women’s Network to ensure Wellbeing for All. Claudia is passionate about taking a holistic approach to Wellbeing, ensuring maximum impact for individuals and organisations to enable them to thrive.

A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD) Claudia also has extensive HR experience within local government, the education and charity sectors.

Expert View – Amelie Prot

Amelie Prot is the founder of Amelie Wellness, a menopause specialist/consultant/trainer and a certified Health & Nutrition Coach.

Amelie helps professional women feel themselves again and even greater than before, regain control of their health and wellbeing during

perimenopause, transitioning to Menopause and beyond, whilst continuing to thrive in their career and personal life.

Amelie draws on her expertise in research-based positive psychology strategies, mindfulness, NLP and menopause executive coaching to help these female employees

develop and sustain their full potential within a supportive and inclusive workplace culture.


Jul 14 2022


10:00 am - 11:00 am

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